The Journal of Flood Risk Management

The Journal of Flood Risk Management

The Journal of Flood Risk Management provides an international platform for knowledge sharing in all areas related to flood risk. Its explicit aim is to disseminate ideas across the range of disciplines where flood related research is carried out and it provides content ranging from leading edge academic papers to applied content with the practitioner in mind.

The Journal of Flood Risk Management is now fully Open Access meaning you can view and download all of the content for free online.

Readers and authors come from a wide background and include hydrologists, meteorologists, geographers, geomorphologists, conservationists, civil engineers, social scientists, policy makers, insurers and practitioners. They share an interest in managing the complex interactions between the many skills and disciplines that underpin the management of flood risk across the world.

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Scope of Publication

The Journal of Flood Risk Management is an online only journal providing an international platform for knowledge sharing in all areas related to flood risk. Topics include: climate change and adaptation, environment (geomorphology, sediments and habitats), policy and legislation, modelling and flood (forecasting, event management and disaster recovery).

Potential papers are peer reviewed by the Institution’s Editorial Board and external reviewers. Papers, excluding references, illustrations and tables, should not exceed 6,000 words in length.

For detailed information on how to submit a paper see our author guidelines click here and our Editor-in-Chief's presentation here.

If you're considering becoming a reviewer, watch our Editor-in-Chief's presentation here.

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